Who: Various DATS, freelancers, heroes, villains What: What lurks in plain sight is most difficult to find When: Various dates after April 5th Where: Various locations
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Who: Petey, Mushroommon, [Open to Cats, the digimon partners of cats, and cat digimon] What: Tetha Park: Not the most relaxing park ever. When: October 1st Early afternoon Where: The aforementioned Tetha park ( Nature vs. Nurture )
Who: Firestar, Jayfeather, and Heathertail [Partners, self-log] What: A discussion over heritage and family. When: April 30th, 2009. After this post. Where: D'Ango Forest
Who: Graystripe, Firestar, Feathertail, Partners. What: Picking up a BFF/Father/Gray cat with a stripe with the name of Graystripe. When:Sunday, April 19th - About Midnight. Where: Dokako Jungle.
Who: Belldandy(LOT), Slade, and ALL OF TETHA! What: Two evil masterminds team together and so starts an invasion of Tetha. When: February 20th, Morning. Where: Tetha